
welcome to my mind

neurodivergent alien,

public health researcher,

eternal daydreamer.

recent ramblings

hovering over the delete button

As petty as it may sound, I feel a deep sense of regret for deleting my Tumblr back in early 2020. I had just graduated from medical school and had deluded myself into believing that I could survive a hospital internship with a chronic illness (and, more notably in hindsight, undiagnosed autism). And a doctor…

antisocial media

In short: as little as I can manage whilst still being part of mainstream society. As an avid reader, when a book I’m interested in and know will be popular among members of my community is released, I jump into my local library reservation queue. Sometimes, if I’m lucky, I’ll sneak in to single digits;…

2034, a concept

Much of my struggle with navigating adult life can be explained by the fact that part of me genuinely didn’t plan to make it to this age. So deep was I in my mental woes during my teenage years that I completely neglected my health, relationships, and interests, such that I now find myself at…